The Saint Monica Club

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If you have ever loved someone who left the Faith, you know the ache of wanting that person back at the table. You pine for them at Mass, you miss their presence, and even wonder, "How could life in Heaven be happy if the one I love is not present?" When we feel this ache, the one intimately known to Saint Monica for years, we begin to learn how to love as God loves.

In this book, Maggie Green shows how you can faithfully follow the example of Saint Monica, whose prayers, tears, and witness eventually led to the conversion of both her husband and her son, Saint Augustine, Doctor of the Church. This isn't a book on how to win your "prodigal" child back — it's a book on how to wait for them, how to plant the seeds and labor in the vineyard without necessarily seeing the harvest.

Read these pages, and you'll come to see how the Holy Spirit is at work in each of us, calling us all home and encouraging our witness to each other. We're all part of the Saint Monica Club, praying and petitioning heaven until the day our loved ones return to the Faith and embrace the fullness of life that can only be found in Christ.