Pantocrator Book of Gospels Cover, 3000,4000,6000 Series

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Book of Gospels cover for use with the Liturgy of the Word.  Christ the Pantocrator is depicted in rich detail and surrounded by the symbols that traditionally represent the Four Evangelists.  The book cover comes from the artisans of Molina of Spain and is available in your choice of a brass, silver plate, gold plate, or two-tone finish.  When you place your order please include the precise dimensions of your Book of the Gospels. Minimum Size: 13H x 8 5/8"W x 1 1/4"Spine  Maximum Size: 4 3/16"H x 9 1/4"W x 1 9/16" Spine The size of your book should be within the range of the dimensions. A larger book cover may be custom-produced at an additional cost, but a smaller cover may not.  A clasp is available at an additional cost.